0500457744, 0500457799 info@daralmajdschool.com


A Key to Your Child’s Success

One of the greatest contributions parents can make to their child’s education is to encourage regular reading.

  • Why Reading Matters: Research shows that children who develop strong reading habits early in life excel academically compared to those who don’t.
  • What You Can Do: Provide quality books at home or let your child borrow from our Library/Resource Room. Reading regularly builds lifelong learning skills.
  • The Key to Success: A child becomes a better reader only if they READ, READ, READ!

Parental Involvement Is Vital: Please ensure your child reads daily and brings home all correspondence from school.

Effective Communication with Teachers

Building a strong partnership between home and school is essential for your child’s success.

  • Stay Involved: Teachers are encouraged to share both positive and developmental feedback with parents.
  • Reach Out Anytime: If you have concerns or questions, feel free to contact your child’s teacher. You don’t have to wait for Parent-Teacher Nights.
  • Stay Updated: At the start of every term, we’ll send out a calendar and newsletter to keep you informed. Additional memos will be shared as needed.

Parent-Teacher Meetings & Open House

These meetings are pivotal in shaping your child’s educational journey.

  • When to Expect Them:
    • April: Orientation Night
    • June: Progress Report
    • October: Scheduled appointments (if concerns arise)
    • February: Student-Led Conference
  • Why It Matters:
    • These meetings allow parents and teachers to collaborate closely, ensuring the school becomes a nurturing environment for holistic education.
    • Parents can express their views openly, fostering mutual participation for the betterment of the students and the school.

Rules and Regulations

To maintain a smooth and productive school environment, students and parents are expected to adhere to all school rules. These regulations will be updated as necessary and communicated promptly.












Behind Yemeni Consulate, Shar-e-Bab Ibrahim, Near Effat University, Hai Nuzla Sharqeyyah, Jeddah.

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