0500457744, 0500457799 info@daralmajdschool.com

Director’s Message

“Read, Read, In the name of thy Lord Who Created….. (Al Quran -96: 1-5)”

Dear Parents,
As Salamu alikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu….

It is with great happiness and pleasure; I announce that a website dedicated to | Dar Al Majd International School has been inaugurated on 7th January 2018.

The school came into reality, with the boundless bounties and Mercy of Almighty Allah (SWT) on 9th April 2018.

The School is committed to foster the holistic development of every learner and to promote honesty, integrity, critical thinking and responsible decision making skills in order to become and fully functioning and constructive member of the society.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all those who work hard to make this mission a huge success with the blessings of Almighty Allah(SWT).

Sincerely Yours- In Learning,
Managing Director
Dar Al Majd International School

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